1,300,000+ Players

Responsible Gaming

RUMMY House encourages its players to play Rummy cash games responsibly. We operate as a responsible gaming site, recommend its users to follow RUMMY House responsible gaming guidelines. To ensure that players continue to enjoy safe and manageable play, we fully support Responsible Gaming and have numerous measures in place to offer checks:

1. Restrict game registration and login for players under the age of 18.
2. 24/7 monitoring our real money online rummy games to detect any pattern of excessive or fraudulent behaviour.
3. Guarantee to provide a fair, just and open game environment for players who can play games as adults.
4. Protection of player’s data and other information using state of the art encryption security software.
5. Predefined limit on maximum cash deposit to stop obsession with the game.
6. Players can request their accounts to be temporarily blocked.

Responsible Gambling Tips

1.Strike a balance between your rummy time and other leisure activities.
2.Think of rummy as a casual game just for fun, not as your primary source of earning.
3.Do not put Rummy as the most important activity or affect your daily life routine activities.
4.Keep track of the total time you spend on online rummy games.
5.Take a break from the rummy game if you are losing regularly.
6.Set a limit for the loss in cash rummy games.